Surf competition in Huanchaco

If there is a place in the world where surfing is more than a sport, it is a way of life rooted in the local culture and history itself, that place is Huanchaco. Located on the north coast of Peru, 500km from Lima, this charming city has long been a haven for wave lovers and has played a vital role in the history of surfing in Peru.


Hunchaco Chan Chan Ruins decorations

Huanchaco, a charming corner of the Peruvian coast, is not only known for its perfect waves, but also for its rich history and culture dating back to pre-Columbian times. In this article, we will take you on an exciting journey through the centuries to discover the ancestral roots and vibrant traditions that have shaped Huanchaco’s unique identity.


Huancaco surfers riding the same wave

El surf es más que una simple actividad acuática, es una conexión profunda con el océano y una comunidad apasionada. Para mantener esa armonía en el agua y disfrutar de una experiencia gratificante para todos, es esencial respetar y seguir algunas reglas basicas del surf. Aquí te presentamos un compendio de estas reglas, diseñadas para fomentar la seguridad, el respeto y la camaradería entre los surfistas en el mar.

Caballito tour

For thousands of years local fishermen have been using Caballitos de Totora (reed surfboard-like boats) to navigate the ocean and surf the waves. It’s how surfing in Peru started! During our Caballito tour, Santos Urcia – father of Juninho – will show you how a caballito is made and will explain about this tradition that is still very much alive today. Of course you will have plenty of opportunity to try riding one yourself and catch some fish! Afterwards we will have a traditional Peruvian Ceviche lunch where we will prepare the catch of the day together. The tour takes about half a day in total.

Caballito de totora tour by Urcia Surf School in Huanchaco


After some days of intense surfing a massage can pep you up again! Massages last 1 hour and take place at our masseurs. Let your masseur know which muscles you prefer to be treated.


Start or end your day with a relaxing yoga session! The sessions take 1 hour and take place at the beach. Your yoga instructor will adapt the exercises to your level.


Our hearty and healthy surfer breakfast includes coffee or tea, yogurt, cereals, fresh fruits, bread, cheese, ham and eggs. 

We cater for vegetarians, vegans and or alergies. Please indicate this in the comment area.

Breakfast at Urcia Surf House

Spanish Lessons

Combining surfing with learning Spanish
If besides surfing you are up for another challenge, we also offer Spanish lessons as an option for all our surf camp packages. It’s not uncommon for the friendly locals of Huanchaco to start a conversation or give you surf tips while waiting for the next set of waves. Thus you can directly put your new Spanish skills to practice. What better and more relaxed way of learning Spanish than doing so while surfing?

Spanish Lessons
For the Spanish lessons we work together with Manuel, a local spanish teacher with a lot of experience. In 1-hour lessons in small groups he will help build your confidence speaking and understanding Spanish, so that in no-time you will be able to chat with the locals, be it in the line-up or at the bar. The first Spanish lesson your current level will be assessed and based on that the focus for the rest of the course will be determined. At the end of every class you will receive some homework to continue learning in between classes at your own pace.